Honest and Young is a talent-driven organization with emphasis on work rather than designations.

Prasann Prassan

Prasann Prassan 

Support Accountant 

Prasann's role as an accountant involves leveraging financial data and analysis to provide clients with the information and insights they need to make informed decisions, drive strategic planning, and optimize their financial performance. By developing financial reports, conducting variance analysis, and monitoring KPIs, Prasann helps clients achieve their business objectives and improve their overall financial health.

Dr. Apurva K Sharma

Purpose officer

Apurva leads the charge in championing purpose-driven principles throughout the organization.

Apurva's role as a Purpose Officer is essential in shaping Honest & Young's identity, culture, and impact. By aligning purpose with strategy, driving cultural integration, and driving meaningful impact, she helps the firm fulfill its mission and create sustainable value for all stakeholders.

Dr. Apurva K Sharma


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